Nanowrimo 2012

Do you Nano?

I do. I love nanowrimo! You can find me running around Nanoland as Ke11and. Be sure to add me as a writing buddy.

If you are new to the Nanowrimo phenomenon, then get ready! You are about to go 0 to 50,000 (words that is) in only 30 days!

Your goal is to complete 50,000 words in your novel or work in progress from Nov 1 – Nov 31.

The bar is set high for this competition! It’s a fun kind of crazy!

Seriously, don’t blow it off just because of the intense goal. There is something to be said for asking for such a high word count goal over a short period of time.

It forces you to sit down and write!

It takes a while to accru 50,000 words and you HAVE to make time to sit down with your butt in a chair and hands on the keyboard.

So what if the fam has to eat some frozen meals for an entire month? You’ve got words to write! I hear Hungry Man meals are good! Kid Cuisine for the kids are popular; I think they now have added real peach mush in some of them.

Also with such a short amount to time to meet the deadline, you don’t have time to sit and overthink….anything….You just have to keep typing. There is beauty in that as it can lead you to unexpected places in your story.

It’s up to you weather you decide to be a ‘plotter’ or a ‘pantser‘, but either way you’re guaranteed to have a good time if you participate with fellow Nanowrimo’s.

Nanowrimo is so much fun because, it has such a strong writing community in place from forums where you can stroll and poll, to it’s own hashtag on Twitter #nanowrimo.

I’m a Twitter freak because it is a wonderful way to keep up with fellow Nano’ers. With Twitter you can keep up with other writers, make new writing buddies, and compete in friendly Word Wars during Nanowrimo.

If you’re wondering if your area has a Nanowrimo group in place, you can access the Nano Near You button through the site. You can join your local group and participate in write-in’s at local hangouts. Just check with your group.

Because of Nano you can give yourself permission to try out new writing implements! From purchasing a brand new pen and notebook to trying out writing programs such as Scrivener and yWriter. There’s fun to be had in acquiring a new writing device.

If you find it motivational to get into the spirit of things you can purchase items from Nanowrimo’s store or go find yourself that special coffee cup or t-shirt that proclaims you are indeed a writer.

(Disclaimer: I am not affilated with any of the above products, nor am I endorsed to sell their products. I enjoy sharing the tidbits I’ve found around cyberland that intrigue me, and some of the products I use and enjoy).

So do you Nano? If not, are you gonna?

Be sure to leave me a comment with your Nano name and I’ll add you as a buddy!

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